Source code for pylprotpredictor.write_report

import argparse
import pandas as pd

from snakemake.utils import report

[docs]def extract_row_number(csv_filepath): """Extract row number of a CSV file :param csv_filepath: path to a CSV file :return: an integer corresponding to the number of lines in the CSV file """ df = pd.read_csv(csv_filepath, index_col=0, header=0)
return df.shape[0]
[docs]def write_report(pred_cds, tag_ending_cds, pot_pyl_cds, final_cds, report_filepath): """Write HTML report to summarize the full analysis :param pred_cds: path to CSV file with predicted CDS info :param tag_ending_cds: path to CSV file with TAG-ending CDS info :param pot_pyl_cds: path to CSV file with potential PYL CDS info :param final_cds_info: path to a CSV file with final information about the CDS :param report_filepath: path to HTML file in which writing the report """ pred_cds_nb = extract_row_number(pred_cds) tag_ending_cds_nb = extract_row_number(tag_ending_cds) pot_pyl_cds_nb = extract_row_number(pot_pyl_cds) df = pd.read_csv(final_cds, index_col=0, header=0) rej_nb = len(df.query("conserved_start == original_start and conserved_end == original_end")) final_cds_nb = pot_pyl_cds_nb - rej_nb print("%s %s %s %s" % (pred_cds_nb, tag_ending_cds_nb, pot_pyl_cds_nb, final_cds_nb)) report( """ Prediction of PYL proteins ========================== {pred_cds_nb} sequences are predicted as CDS (see Table predicted_cds_). From these {pred_cds_nb} prediced CDS, {tag_ending_cds_nb} are ending with a TAG STOP codon (see Table tag_ending_cds_). {pot_pyl_cds_nb} are predicted as potential PYL sequences (see Table potential_pyl_cds_). After similarity search, {final_cds_nb} sequences (of {pot_pyl_cds_nb} predicted PYL sequences) are conserved ({rej_nb} rejected) as potential PYL proteins (see Table final_cds_). """, report_filepath, predicted_cds=pred_cds, tag_ending_cds=tag_ending_cds, potential_pyl_cds=pot_pyl_cds,
final_cds=final_cds) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Write HTML report to summarize the full analysis') parser.add_argument('--pred_cds', help='path to CSV file with predicted CDS info') parser.add_argument('--tag_ending_cds', help='path to CSV file with TAG-ending CDS info') parser.add_argument('--pot_pyl_cds', help='path to CSV file with potential PYL CDS info') parser.add_argument('--final_cds_info', help='path to a CSV file with final information about the CDS') parser.add_argument('--report_filepath', help='path to HTML file in which writing the report') args = parser.parse_args() write_report( pred_cds=args.pred_cds, tag_ending_cds=args.tag_ending_cds, pot_pyl_cds=args.pot_pyl_cds, final_cds=args.final_cds_info, report_filepath=args.report_filepath)