Source code for pylprotpredictor.check

import argparse
import pandas as pd

from pathlib import Path

    from pylprotpredictor import alignment
    from pylprotpredictor import cds
    from pylprotpredictor import export
except ImportError:
    from . import alignment
    from . import cds
    from . import export

[docs]def import_cds(cds_obj_filepath): """ :param cds_obj_filepath: path to JSON file with collection of CDS objects :return: dictionary of the CDS objects """ cds_objects = {} d = export.import_json(cds_obj_filepath) for cds_id in d: cds_obj = cds.CDS() cds_obj.init_from_dict(d[cds_id]) cds_objects[cds_id] = cds_obj
return cds_objects
[docs]def get_cds_obj(cds_id, pred_cds): """Find the CDS object given an id :param cds_id: id of the CDS to find :param pred_cds: dictionary of the predicted CDS :return: a CDS object """ if cds_id not in pred_cds: raise ValueError("CDS not found for %s" % (cds_id))
return pred_cds[cds_id]
[docs]def parse_similarity_search_report(pot_pyl_similarity_search, pred_cds): """Parse the similarity search report and add information to the list of potential PYL CDS :param pot_pyl_similarity_search: path to similarity search report of potential PYL CDS against a reference database :param pred_cds: dictionary of the predicted CDS """ similarity_search_report = pd.read_table( pot_pyl_similarity_search, index_col=None, header=None) for row in similarity_search_report.itertuples(): cds_id = row[1].split("-")[0] cds_obj = get_cds_obj(cds_id, pred_cds) al = alignment.Alignment() al.init_from_search_report_row(row) cds_obj.add_id_alignment(row[1], al)
return pred_cds
[docs]def extract_correct_cds(pred_cds, cons_pred_cds_seq, info_filepath): """Identify and extract the correct CDS sequence :param pred_cds: dictionary of the predicted CDS :param cons_pred_cds_seq: path to a FASTA file for the conserved CDS sequences :param info_filepath: path to a CSV file with final information about the CDS """ cons_cds_sequences = [] info = {} keys = list(pred_cds.keys()) keys.sort() for cds_id in keys: cds_obj = pred_cds[cds_id] cons_al = alignment.Alignment() if cds_obj.is_potential_pyl(): cons_al = cds_obj.identify_cons_rej_cds() cons_seq = cds_obj.get_conserved_cds() rej_seq = cds_obj.get_rejected_cds() if cons_seq is None: cons_seq = cds_obj cons_cds_sequences.append(cons_seq.get_seqrecord()) info[cds_id] = { "status": cds_obj.get_status(), "conserved_start": cons_seq.get_start(), "conserved_end": cons_seq.get_end(), "strand": cds_obj.get_strand(), "conserved_stop_codon": cons_seq.get_stop_codon(), "origin_seq": cds_obj.get_origin_seq_id(), "original_start": cds_obj.get_start(), "original_end": cds_obj.get_end(), "original_stop_codon": cds_obj.get_stop_codon(), "rejected_start": ";".join([str(s.get_start()) for s in rej_seq]), "rejected_end": ";".join([str(s.get_end()) for s in rej_seq]), "matched_RefSeq90": cons_al.get_sseqid()} export.export_fasta(cons_cds_sequences, cons_pred_cds_seq) export.export_csv( info, info_filepath,
["status", "conserved_start","conserved_end","strand","conserved_stop_codon","origin_seq","original_start","original_end","original_stop_codon","rejected_start","rejected_end","matched_RefSeq90"])
[docs]def check_pyl_proteins( pot_pyl_similarity_search, pred_cds_obj_filepath, cons_pred_cds_seq, info_filepath): """ Check predicted PYL CDS: - Get the potential PYL CDS - Parse the similarity search report - Identify and extract the correct CDS sequence (the one with the lowest evalue and longest alignment for potential PYL) :param pot_pyl_similarity_search: path to similarity search report of potential PYL CDS against a reference database :param pred_cds_obj_filepath: path to generated JSON file to store the list of predicted CDS objects :param cons_pred_cds_seq: path to a FASTA file for the conserved CDS sequences :param info_filepath: path to a CSV file with final information about the CDS """ pred_cds = import_cds(pred_cds_obj_filepath) parse_similarity_search_report(pot_pyl_similarity_search, pred_cds)
extract_correct_cds(pred_cds, cons_pred_cds_seq, info_filepath) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Check predicted PYL CDS') parser.add_argument('--pot_pyl_similarity_search', help='path to similarity search report of potential PYL CDS against a reference database') parser.add_argument('--pred_cds_obj_filepath', help='path to generated JSON file to store the list of predicted CDS objects') parser.add_argument('--cons_pred_cds_seq_filepath', help='path to a FASTA file for the conserved CDS sequences') parser.add_argument('--info_filepath', help='path to a CSV file with final information about the CDS') args = parser.parse_args() check_pyl_proteins( pot_pyl_similarity_search=Path(aargs.pot_pyl_similarity_search), pred_cds_obj_filepath=Path(aargs.pred_cds_obj_filepath), cons_pred_cds_seq=Path(aargs.cons_pred_cds_seq_filepath), info_filepath=Path(aargs.info_filepath))