Source code for pylprotpredictor.cds

from Bio.Seq import Seq
from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord
from Bio.Data import CodonTable
from Bio.Data.CodonTable import register_ncbi_table

    from pylprotpredictor import alignment
except ImportError:
    from . import alignment

    name='PylProt CodonTable',
        'TTT': 'F', 'TTC': 'F', 'TTA': 'L', 'TTG': 'L', 'TCT': 'S',
        'TCC': 'S', 'TCA': 'S', 'TCG': 'S', 'TAT': 'Y', 'TAC': 'Y',
        'TGT': 'C', 'TGC': 'C', 'TGG': 'W', 'CTT': 'L', 'CTC': 'L',
        'CTA': 'L', 'CTG': 'L', 'CCT': 'P', 'CCC': 'P', 'CCA': 'P',
        'CCG': 'P', 'CAT': 'H', 'CAC': 'H', 'CAA': 'Q', 'CAG': 'Q',
        'CGT': 'R', 'CGC': 'R', 'CGA': 'R', 'CGG': 'R', 'ATT': 'I',
        'ATC': 'I', 'ATA': 'I', 'ATG': 'M', 'ACT': 'T', 'ACC': 'T',
        'ACA': 'T', 'ACG': 'T', 'AAT': 'N', 'AAC': 'N', 'AAA': 'K',
        'AAG': 'K', 'AGT': 'S', 'AGC': 'S', 'AGA': 'R', 'AGG': 'R',
        'GTT': 'V', 'GTC': 'V', 'GTA': 'V', 'GTG': 'V', 'GCT': 'A',
        'GCC': 'A', 'GCA': 'A', 'GCG': 'A', 'GAT': 'D', 'GAC': 'D',
        'GAA': 'E', 'GAG': 'E', 'GGT': 'G', 'GGC': 'G', 'GGA': 'G',
        'GGG': 'G', 'TAG': 'O'},
    stop_codons=['TAA', 'TGA'],
    start_codons=['TTG', 'CTG', 'ATT', 'ATC', 'ATA', 'ATG', 'GTG']

[docs]def extract_seq_desc(desc): """Extract from description the seq id, the origin sequence, start, end and strand from a predicted CDS :param desc: description of a prediced CDS with Prodigal :return: id of predicted CDS :return: id of the origin sequence :return: start position of the predicted CDS :return: end position of the predicted CDS :return: strand of the predicted CDS """ split_description = desc.split("#") seq_id = split_description[0][:-1] origin_seq = "_".join(seq_id.split("_")[:-1]) if seq_id.find("|") != -1: seq_id = "cds_%s" % (seq_id.split("_")[-1]) start = int(split_description[1].replace(" ", "")) end = int(split_description[2].replace(" ", "")) strand = transform_strand(split_description[3].replace(" ", ""))
return seq_id, origin_seq, start, end, strand
[docs]def transform_strand(strand_id): """Transform strand from numerical value to string value :param strand_id: numerical value to represent a strand (1 or -1) :return: string value (forward or reverse) for the strand """ if strand_id == "-1": return 'reverse' elif strand_id == "1": return 'forward' else:
raise ValueError("Wrong strand_id: {}".format(strand_id))
[docs]def test_to_continue(end, origin_seq_size): """Test if possible to extract next codon: position still in the genome :param end: int corresponding to the current end :param origin_seq_size: size of the origin sequence :return: boolean """
return (end + 3) < origin_seq_size
[docs]def find_stop_codon_pos_in_seq(seq): """Find position of STOP codon inside a sequence (not the last position) :param seq: string sequence of amino acids :return: list of position for possible STOP codons in a sequence """ stop_codon_pos = [] for i in range(len(seq) - 1): if seq.startswith('*', i): stop_codon_pos.append(i)
return stop_codon_pos
[docs]def translate(seq): """Translate a sequence into amino acids while replacing any possible STOP codon encoded by TAG by a Pyl amino acid :param seq: a Seq object :return: string with the corresponding amino acid sequence with the TAG encoded STOP are replaced by Pyl amino acid """ translated_seq = seq.translate(66) mutable_seq = translated_seq.tomutable()[:-1] translated_seq = mutable_seq.toseq()
return translated_seq
[docs]class CDS: 'Class to describe a CDS' def __init__( self, seq_id="", origin_seq=None, origin_seq_id="", start=-1, end=-1, strand="forward", seq=None, alternative_ends=[], alternative_cds=[], alignments=[], conserved_cds=None, rejected_cds=[], status=""): """Initiate a CDS instance""" = seq_id self.origin_seq = origin_seq self.origin_seq_id = origin_seq_id self.start = start self.end = end self.strand = strand self.seq = seq self.alternative_ends = alternative_ends self.alternative_cds = alternative_cds self.alignments = alignments self.conserved_cds = conserved_cds self.rejected_cds = rejected_cds self.status = status
[docs] def init_from_record(self, record): """Initiate a CDS instance with a SeqRecord object :param record: """ seq_id, origin_seq_id, start, end, strand = extract_seq_desc(record.description) self.set_id(seq_id) self.set_origin_seq_id(origin_seq_id) self.set_start(start) self.set_end(end) self.set_strand(strand) self.set_seq(record.seq) self.reset_alternative_cds() self.reset_rejected_cds()
[docs] def init_from_dict(self, in_dict): """Initiate a CDS instance with a dictionary :param in_dict: dictionary with attribute for a CDS object """ self.set_id(in_dict["id"]) self.set_status(in_dict["status"]) self.set_origin_seq_id(in_dict["origin_seq_id"]) self.set_start(in_dict["start"]) self.set_end(in_dict["end"]) self.set_strand(in_dict["strand"]) self.set_seq(Seq(in_dict["seq"])) self.set_alternative_ends(in_dict["alternative_ends"]) self.reset_alternative_cds() self.reset_alignments() self.reset_rejected_cds() for cds_id in in_dict["alternative_cds"]: new_cds = CDS() new_cds.init_from_dict(in_dict["alternative_cds"][cds_id])
[docs] def get_id(self): """Return the id of the CDS :return: string corresponding to the id """
[docs] def get_origin_seq_id(self): """Return the id of origin seq of the CDS :return: string corresponding to the origin seq """
return self.origin_seq_id
[docs] def get_origin_seq(self): """Return the SeqRecord object corresponding to the origin seq of the CDS :return: SeqRecord object """
return self.origin_seq
[docs] def get_start(self): """Return the start position of the CDS on the origin sequence :return: int corresponding to the start position """
return self.start
[docs] def get_end(self): """Return the end position of the CDS on the origin sequence :return: int corresponding to the end position """
return self.end
[docs] def get_strand(self): """Return the strand of the CDS on the origin sequence :return: string corresponding to the strand (forward or reverse) """
return self.strand
[docs] def get_seq(self): """Return the sequence of the CDS :return: string with the sequence """
return self.seq
[docs] def get_alternative_ends(self): """Return the list of possible alternative ends if the CDS is ending with TAG STOP codon :return: list of int corresponding to the alternative ends """
return self.alternative_ends
[docs] def get_alternative_cds(self): """Return the list of possible alternative CDS if the CDS is ending with TAG STOP codon :return: list of CDS object """
return self.alternative_cds
[docs] def get_alignments(self): """Return the list of alignments :return: list of alignment object """
return self.alignments
[docs] def get_conserved_cds(self): """Return the CDS object of the conserved CDS as correct CDS (start, end, sequence) :return: CDS object of the conserved CDS """
return self.conserved_cds
[docs] def get_rejected_cds(self): """Return a list of the rejected CDS objects as correct CDS (start, end, sequence) :return: list of CDS objects """
return self.rejected_cds
[docs] def get_status(self): """Return the status :return: string with the status of the CDS """
return self.status
[docs] def get_stop_codon(self): """Return the STOP codon of the CDS :return: the STOP codon """
return self.get_seq()[-3:]
[docs] def get_origin_seq_size(self): """Return the length of the origin sequence :return: int corresponding to the length of the origin sequence """ if not self.has_origin_seq(): raise ValueError("No origin sequence provided")
return len(self.get_origin_seq().seq)
[docs] def get_origin_seq_string(self): """Return the string of the origin sequence :return: string corresponding to the origin sequence """ if not self.has_origin_seq(): raise ValueError("No origin sequence provided")
return str(self.get_origin_seq().seq)
[docs] def get_alternative_start(self): """Return the list of alternative CDS start :return: list of the start of the alternative CDS """ alt_starts = [] for alt_cds in self.get_alternative_cds(): alt_starts.append(alt_cds.get_start())
return alt_starts
[docs] def get_alternative_end(self): """Return the list of alternative CDS end :return: list of the end of the alternative CDS """ alt_ends = [] for alt_cds in self.get_alternative_cds(): alt_ends.append(alt_cds.get_end())
return alt_ends
[docs] def get_translated_seq(self): """Return the translated sequence of the CDS :return: SeqRecord object corresponding to the translated sequence """ seq = SeqRecord( translate(self.get_seq()), id=self.get_id(), description=self.export_description())
return seq
[docs] def get_translated_alternative_seq(self): """Return a list of the translated sequences of the alternative sequences :return: list of SeqRecord objects """ transl_alt_seq = [] for alt_cds in self.get_alternative_cds(): transl_alt_seq.append(alt_cds.get_translated_seq())
return transl_alt_seq
[docs] def get_seqrecord(self): """Return a SeqRecord of the CDS :return: SeqRecord """ seq = SeqRecord( self.get_seq(), id=self.get_id(), description=self.export_description())
return seq
[docs] def get_lowest_evalue_alignment(self): """Return the alignment with the lowest evalue :return: alignment """ lowest_evalue = 10 lowest_evalue_al = None for al in self.get_alignments(): evalue = al.get_evalue() if evalue < lowest_evalue: lowest_evalue = evalue lowest_evalue_al = al
return lowest_evalue_al
[docs] def get_highest_bitscore(self): """Return the highest bitscore for all alignments :return: float """ highest_bitscore = 0 for al in self.get_alignments(): bitscore = al.get_bitscore() if bitscore > highest_bitscore: highest_bitscore = bitscore
return highest_bitscore
[docs] def set_id(self, seq_id): """Change the id of the CDS :param seq_id: new seq id value """ = seq_id
[docs] def set_origin_seq_id(self, origin_seq_id): """Change the id of the origin sequence of the CDS :param origin_seq_id: new origin seq id value """
self.origin_seq_id = origin_seq_id
[docs] def set_start(self, start): """Change the start position of the CDS :param start: new start value (int) """
self.start = start
[docs] def set_end(self, end): """Change the end position of the CDS :param end: new end value (int) """
self.end = end
[docs] def set_strand(self, strand): """Change the strand value of the CDS :param end: new strand (forward or reverse) """ if strand != "reverse" and strand != "forward": raise ValueError("Incorrect strand value: %s" % (strand))
self.strand = strand
[docs] def set_seq(self, seq): """Change the sequence object of the CDS :param seq: new Seq object with the sequence of the CDS """
self.seq = seq
[docs] def set_origin_seq(self, origin_seq): """Change the SeqRecord object corresponding to the origin seq of the CDS :param origin_seq: SeqRecord object """ if self.get_strand() == "reverse": self.origin_seq = origin_seq.reverse_complement() self.origin_seq.description = origin_seq.description = = else:
self.origin_seq = origin_seq
[docs] def set_alternative_ends(self, alternative_ends): """Change the list of alternative ends :param alternative_ends: list of int corresponding to the new alternative ends """
self.alternative_ends = alternative_ends
[docs] def set_evalue(self, evalue): """Change the evalue :param evalue: new evalue """
self.evalue = evalue
[docs] def set_status(self, status): """Change the status :param status: new status """
self.status = status
[docs] def set_conserved_cds(self, conserved_cds): """Change the conserved CDS :param conserved_cds: CDS object of the conserved CDS """
self.conserved_cds = conserved_cds
[docs] def reset_alternative_cds(self): """Reset the list of alternative cds"""
self.alternative_cds = []
[docs] def add_alternative_cds(self, alternative_cds): """Add an alternative CDS to the list of possible alternative CDS :param alternative_cds: a CDS object """
[docs] def reset_alignments(self): """Reset the list of alignments""" self.alignments = [] for alt_cds in self.get_alternative_cds():
[docs] def add_alignment(self, alignment): """Add an alignment object to the list of alignment :param alignment: an alignment object """
[docs] def reset_rejected_cds(self): """Reset the list of rejected cds"""
self.rejected_cds = []
[docs] def add_rejected_cds(self, rejected_cds): """Add a rejected CDS to the list of rejected CDS :param rejected_cds: a CDS object """
[docs] def is_reverse_strand(self): """Test if the strand is reverse :return: boolean """
return self.get_strand() == "reverse"
[docs] def is_tag_ending_seq(self): """Test if the sequence is ending with TAG STOP codon :return: boolean """
return self.get_stop_codon() == "TAG"
[docs] def is_potential_pyl(self): """Test if the sequence has a status for potential pyl :return: boolean """
return self.get_status() == "potential pyl"
[docs] def is_tag_ending(self): """Test if the sequence has a status for tag-ending :return: boolean """
return self.get_status() == "tag-ending"
[docs] def has_alternative_ends(self): """Test if the list of alternative ends is not empty :return: boolean """
return len(self.get_alternative_ends()) > 0
[docs] def has_alternative_cds(self): """Test if the CDS has alternative cds :return: boolean """
return len(self.get_alternative_cds()) > 0
[docs] def has_origin_seq(self): """Test if the CDS has a origin seq :return: boolean """
return self.get_origin_seq() is not None
[docs] def find_alternative_ends(self): """ Find alternative ends (on the same ORF) for a CDS until the next found STOP codon on the genome (or its complement if the CDS is on the reverse strand) """ if not self.has_origin_seq(): raise ValueError("No origin sequence provided") origin_seq = self.get_origin_seq_string() origin_seq_size = self.get_origin_seq_size() new_end = self.get_end() if self.is_reverse_strand(): new_end = (origin_seq_size - self.get_start() + 1) stop_codons = CodonTable.unambiguous_dna_by_id[1].stop_codons to_continue = test_to_continue(new_end, origin_seq_size) new_ends = [] while to_continue: codon = origin_seq[new_end:(new_end + 3)] new_end += 3 if codon not in stop_codons: to_continue = test_to_continue(new_end, origin_seq_size) else: new_ends.append(new_end) if codon != 'TAG': to_continue = False else: to_continue = test_to_continue(new_end, origin_seq_size)
[docs] def extract_possible_alternative_seq(self): """ Extract the start, end and sequence of different possible sequences for a CDS identified as potential PYL CDS """ if not self.has_alternative_ends(): return if not self.has_origin_seq(): raise ValueError("No origin sequence provided") origin_seq = self.get_origin_seq_string() origin_seq_size = self.get_origin_seq_size() start = self.get_start() end = self.get_end() seq_id = self.get_id() self.reset_alternative_cds() count = 1 for alt_end in self.get_alternative_ends(): if self.is_reverse_strand(): new_start = origin_seq_size - alt_end + 1 new_end = end rev_start = origin_seq_size - end + 1 new_seq = origin_seq[(rev_start - 1):alt_end] else: new_start = start new_end = alt_end new_seq = origin_seq[(start - 1):new_end] new_cds = CDS( seq_id="%s-%s" % (seq_id, count), start=new_start, end=new_end, strand=self.get_strand(), origin_seq_id=self.get_origin_seq_id(), seq=Seq(new_seq)) count += 1
[docs] def add_id_alignment(self, seq_id, alignment): """Add alignment to the correct CDS object :param seq_id: id of the CDS :param alignment: alignment object to add """ assigned = False if seq_id == self.get_id(): self.add_alignment(alignment) assigned = True else: for alt_cds in self.get_alternative_cds(): if alt_cds.get_id() == seq_id: alt_cds.add_alignment(alignment) assigned = True if not assigned:
raise ValueError("Alignment for %s not assigned to %s" % (seq_id, self.get_id()))
[docs] def identify_cons_rej_cds(self): """Identify which alternative CDS to converse or reject based on the evalue and the alignment length: Keep the sequence with a lowest evalue and a longer alignment :return: better alignment """ self.reset_rejected_cds() ref_al = self.get_lowest_evalue_alignment() if ref_al is None: self.set_status('potential pyl - no homologous found') self.set_conserved_cds(self) return alignment.Alignment() self.set_conserved_cds(self) for alt_cds in self.get_alternative_cds(): alt_al = alt_cds.get_lowest_evalue_alignment() if alt_al is None: continue if alt_al.get_evalue() < ref_al.get_evalue() and alt_al.get_length() > ref_al.get_length(): ref_al = alt_al self.add_rejected_cds(self.get_conserved_cds()) self.set_conserved_cds(alt_cds) else: self.add_rejected_cds(alt_cds) if self.get_conserved_cds() == self: self.set_status('not confirmed potential pyl') else: self.set_status('confirmed potential pyl')
return ref_al
[docs] def export_description(self): """Export the description of the CDS :return: string with the description """ desc = "# origin_seq: %s # strand: %s # start: %s # end: %s" % ( self.get_origin_seq_id(), self.get_strand(), self.get_start(), self.get_end())
return desc
[docs] def export_to_dict(self): """Export the object to CDS :return: dict corresponding to CDS object """ cds_id = self.get_id() d = {cds_id: { 'id': self.get_id(), 'status': self.get_status(), 'origin_seq_id': self.get_origin_seq_id(), 'start': self.get_start(), 'end': self.get_end(), 'strand': self.get_strand(), 'seq': str(self.get_seq()), 'alternative_ends': self.get_alternative_ends(), 'alternative_cds': {}} } if self.has_alternative_ends(): for alt_cds in self.get_alternative_cds(): d[cds_id]['alternative_cds'].update(alt_cds.export_to_dict())
return d