
Scientific posters - Bérénice Batut

This repository keeps my scientific posters

Year Event Location Title
2024 GCC Brno, Czech ABRomics: A Galaxy-based One Health Antimicrobial Resistance Platform
2024 GCC Brno, Czech Exploring the Richness of the French Galaxy Ecosystem
2023 ISMB/ECCB Lyon, France Open Life Science: A mentoring & training program for Open Science ambassadors
2023 ISMB/ECCB Lyon, France Galaxy Training: A powerful framework for teaching!
2023 ISMB/ECCB Lyon, France Accessible and scalable pipelines for fast and easy (foodborne) pathogens detection and tracking
2023 ELIXIR All Hands Meeting Dublin, Ireland Open Life Science: A mentoring & training program for Open Science ambassadors
2023 ELIXIR All Hands Meeting Dublin, Ireland Accessible and scalable pipelines for fast and easy (foodborne) pathogens detection and tracking
2023 ELIXIR All Hands Meeting Dublin, Ireland Galaxy Training: A powerful framework for teaching!
2023 ELIXIR All Hands Meeting Dublin, Ireland Establishing the ELIXIR Microbiome community
2019 GCB Heidelberg, Germany Galaxy for long read ONT data analysis and public education
2019 GCC Freiburg, Germany Galaxy and Training: 2019 updates from the Galaxy Training Network
2018 Carpentry Con Dublin, Ireland Community-Driven Training for Biological Data Analysis with the Galaxy Training Network
2017 GCB Tübingen, Germany Building an open, collaborative, online infrastructure for bioinformatics training
2017 GCB Tübingen, Germany How to analyze raw sequencing data from microbiota? Using ASaiM!
2017 ISMB/ECCB Pragues, Czech Scaling Bioinformatics Training: An ELIXIR, GOBLET & Galaxy Training Network Collaboration
2017 GCC Montpellier, France A Galaxy-based framework to analyze raw sequencing data from microbiota


All posters are licensed with CC BY SA 4.0